Friday, March 12, 2010


Dear Ana,

Love hurts… but only a little.  (referening the ear piercing)
Your mom and I thought long and hard about whether you were mature enough to make good decisions in wearing earrings. I guess you could say that this is a step towards us trusting that you understand what an important responsibility this is.

1 Timothy 2:9 says, “And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.”

Getting your ears pierced is an opportunity to express yourself in ways that just simply draw attention to yourself, or in ways that honor God. I pray that you will decide to honor God in your earring choices in the future, but for now, we have some rules you’ll need to follow:

1. Starter studs stay in for the first six weeks.
2. After that, studs for a year (until you are 13). No dangly ones.
3. Don’t try to grow up too fast…enjoy being 12!
